INFORAMA organic field inspections 2024

We would be pleased to inform you about the INFORAMA organic field inspections 2024:
Participation is free of charge and no registration is required.    

INFORAMA organic field inspections
Organiser: INFORAMA
Management: Simon Jöhr
Language: German

Tuesday, 28.5.2024, 19.00 h
Farm: Oliver Hofer, Kuhmattweg 5, 4913 Bannwil
Topics: Herbs, cereals, corn, sunflowers

Wednesday, 12.06.2024, 19.00 h
Farm: Family Biehler, Wislenboden 1039, 3076 Worb
Topics: Wheat, grain corn, silage corn, soya, milk production

Tuesday, 04.06.2024, 19.00 h
Farms: Stefan und Lorena Brunner, 3270 Spins / Thomas Hofer, 3054 Schüpfen
Topics: Malting barley, lupins, hulled sunflowers, lentils, in collaboration with Bio Farm

Thursday, 04.07.2024, 19.00 h
Farm: Bühler, Riedgasse 9, 3373 Heimenhausen
Topics: Potatoes, rape, legumes, cereals, regenerative agriculture, in collaboration with FiBL

Further information in German can be found here:
INFORAMA informiert im Feld | INFORAMA