Organic Farming Ordinance Switzerland
The Swiss Federal Organic Farming Ordinance includes the state regulations on production and processing of organic products in Switzerland. It sets out the minimum standards in organic farming and in the processing, storage, import and export of organic products.
Processing, marketing, importing and exporting as well storage of organic products is subject to the relevant organic inspections. Organic farm holdings consider natural cycles, keep and feed their livestock in an ethologically sound manner and refrain from the use of chemically-synthesized inputs and genetically modified organisms.
Products may be labelled with the “organic” declaration or similar declarations derived thereof (such as “Bio” or “Eco”) and processed, marketed and stored as such. Organic products may be imported and exported.
Inspections for the purposes of checking for compliance with other Standards can be carried out at the occasion of the organic inspection. Combined inspections save time and money. If the requirements of the Swiss Ordinance on Organic Farming are already being met, it is only a small step towards compliance with Bio Suisse (Bud) Standards.
Swiss Ordinance on Organic Farming (RS 910.18). Ordinance of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs (EAER) on organic farming (RS 910.181)
Contact person

+41 (0) 62 865 63 18>

Management Board
+41 (0) 62 552 10 28>