Header Team Organic Sunflower

Up close and personal. The team behind bio-inspecta.

Adèle Thorens Goumaz

President of the Board of Directors

Adèle Thorens Goumaz
Christian Hockenjos

Vice-President Board of Directors

Christian Hockenjos
Elvira Bieri

Board of Directors

Elvira Bieri
Hans Matzenberger

Board of Directors

Hans Matzenberger
Franziska Staubli
Ornella Carpinteri
Rrahmon Hoxha

Head of the Processing and Trade Division
+41 (0) 62 552 10 28

Rrahmon Hoxha
Noemi Imfeld
Farzaneh Mahdipour

Head of International Services Division
+41 (0) 62 865 63 42

Farzaneh Mahdipour
Maria Scheidegger

Head of Marketing / Assistant to the CEO
+41 (0) 62 865 63 32

Maria Scheidegger
Martin Schmutz
Rolf Schweizer

Managing Director French-Speaking Switzerland
+41 (0) 21 552 29 99

Rolf Schweizer
Finances / HR
Fabienne Stäuble

Head of departement accounting and controlling
+41 (0) 62 865 63 04

Fabienne Stäuble
Gizem Akbati

Staff departement accounting and controlling
+41 (0) 62 865 63 07

Gizem Akbati
Noemi Imfeld
Stefanie Schlumpf

Head of International Back Office / Deputy Head of International Division
+41 (0) 62 552 10 26

Stefanie Schlumpf
Bérangère Carron

Assistant to the CEO french-speaking Switzerland
+41 (0) 21 552 29 06

Bérangère Carron
Doris Chatelan

Assistant to the CEO french-speaking Switzerland
+41 (0) 21 552 29 05

Doris Chatelan
Raphaela Humbel
Julia Lüthi
Nelija Mader

Back Office International / Agriculture
+41 (0) 62 552 10 32

Nelija Mader
Corina Schmidle
Heidy Schwab
Fabienne Schwager Steiner
Julia Senn

Back Office Processing and Trade / Deputy Head of Administration
+41 (0) 62 552 10 03

Julia Senn
Maria Scheidegger

Head of Marketing / Assistant to the CEO
+41 (0) 62 865 63 32

Maria Scheidegger
Marco D'Onofrio
Martin Schmutz
Andreas Müller
Regional managers
Rolf Schweizer

Managing Director French-Speaking Switzerland
+41 (0) 21 552 29 99

Rolf Schweizer
Christoph Gerber - Wittwer
Simon jun. Raguth Tscharner

Regional Manager Grisons, Glarus, Ticino
+41 (0) 79 713 79 87

Simon jun. Raguth Tscharner
Pascale Strauss

Regional Manager Eastern Switzerland
+41 (0) 79 683 21 72

Pascale Strauss
Staff members
Ariane Banga
Sandra Bögli

Certiefier / Head of Certification Department
+41 (0) 62 865 63 54

Sandra Bögli
Lena Caminada
Danielle Huser

Specialist in Agriculture, Climate and Environment
+41 (0) 62 552 10 31

Danielle Huser
Nina Marolf
Fredy Abächerli
Jürg Adank
Bruno Aebi
Paul Aeschimann
Ursula Bapst Brunner
Justine Batardon
Markus Baumgartner
Roland Berger
Ueli Blumer
Thomas Bonfadelli
Hans Bösch
Josef Brändle
Simone Broder
Aloïs Cachelin
Bérangère Carron

Assistant to the CEO french-speaking Switzerland
+41 (0) 21 552 29 06

Bérangère Carron
Stéphane Deytard
Jann Ehrensperger
Jörg Eng
Julia Enzler
Michela Esposto C.
Johannes Fallet
Hans Ulrich Fankhauser
Bernhard Flückiger
Ruedi Forrer
Pierre-Alain Frossard
Jean-Jacques Gachoud
Alexandre Gagnaux
Beat Gerber
Marc Germann
Claudio Gregori
Hans-Joachim Hänni
Peter Hausamann
Jean-Luc Héritier
Severin Hermann
Hannes Ineichen
Janusch Ittig
Erwin Kamminga
Flurina Kessler
Martin Küng
Zoë Läuchli
Urban Luck
Noah Manni
Steivan Martinelli
Hansandrea Marugg
David Meister
Michael Moser
Ueli Müller
Mischa Müller
Reto Müller
Stefan Müller
Bernhard Müller
Michele Naldoni-Pieri
Peter Nicolay
Kathrin Niemetz
Bernhard Niggli
Laure Nusbaumer
Röbi Oechslin
Tristan Oppliger
Rachel Perret
Céline Petermann
Bryan Philipona
Margaux Queval
Simon sen. Raguth Tscharner
Armin Raschle
Olivier Rochat
Otto Rohner
Martin Rubin
Angela Schaad
Daniel Scherrer
Milena Schwab
Matthias Sieber
Adrian Siegfried
Susanne Stein
Thomas Strub
Josy Taramarcaz
Vincent Theler
Jon Paul Thom
Hans Thöny
Frédéric Tissières
Gaia Vergoni
Martina Vital
Lucia Vuillaume
Stephan Wicki
Serafin Winzap
Corinne Wyss
Rrahmon Hoxha

Head of the Processing and Trade Division
+41 (0) 62 552 10 28

Rrahmon Hoxha
Head of special departement
Nicole Frey
Pius Nietlispach
Mirjam Quendt
Staff members
Benjamin Grimm Kunz
Sara Leu Zürcher
Raffaella Mini Gatti
Monika Mönks
Farzaneh Mahdipour

Head of International Services Division
+41 (0) 62 865 63 42

Farzaneh Mahdipour
Stefanie Schlumpf

Head of International Back Office / Deputy Head of International Division
+41 (0) 62 552 10 26

Stefanie Schlumpf
Franziska Staubli
Ornella Carpinteri